Serial: Configuration (1) Page-Control
If the device supports paging (see OPTIONS), the current page being active can be controlled from the device
SWITCHPAGE: Switching to a specific Page
Syntax: 1,SWITCHPAGE,<Guid>[,<create>,<name>];
GUID of the target page
0 | 1 , create page if it doe snot exist yet
name of the new page
SPAD.neXT will either respond with PAGE-Events or a ERROR
GOTOPAGE: Navigate absolute or releative
Syntax: 1,GOTOPAGE,<number>,<isrel>;
Navigate (absolute) (<isrel> = 0)
<number> contains the absolute pagenumber (1..n)
Navigate (relative) <istrel> = 1
<number> contains the number of pages to navigate left ( < 0 ) or right ( > 0 )
a rollover to first/last page will be done automatically
Last updated
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