Videos Focused on the PMDG 737 for MSFS
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Videos Focused on the PMDG 737 for MSFS
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PMDG SDK must be enabled for each PMDG aircraft in MSFS. See here for detais.
Please remember PMDG Simulation Events work exactly like the cockpit. Use the "PMDG Special Actions" to do with the event what you would do in cockpit with the mouse! Events from the Category PMDG 737 NGXu must be used.
In the first Video we step through the requirements for Configuring the PMDG SDK and the SPAD.neXt Simulation Settings. We also show how the Custom Interactive SDK interface to configure Data Vars and use the Event System unique to the PMDGs
In The Second Video for the PMDG 737 in MSFS we delve into adding the Cockpit Master CDU to SPAD.neXt and downloading the default Snippet to get full control over the the in sim CDUs.
The Third Video for the 737 PMDG focuses on Programing the MCP (mode control support). We delve into how the SDK works regarding Buttons / Switches / Knobs and Encoders with regards to the PMDG Interaction Events. Also how to find and Map LEDs to Annunciators and Displays to Values!!
Continuing on in the 4th PMDG 737 Video we configure the Honeycomb Bravo for use with the MCP (AP functions) as well as all other Axis and Switches!! Full implementation of the LEDs and Annunciators -- don't forget you need to be on the at least for this!!
Sticking with Autopilot Configurations we move on to the Logitech/Saitek Multi Panel device. Download the Snippet or use the walkthrough to configure it yourself.
In this Video we delve into the Thrustmaster TCA Airbus 320 TQ with Add ONs and configure a complete setup for the PMDG 737 Series! Don't worry the Snippet is available now so you can download and fly in just a couple of minutes!!
How to use an Axis to control a Switch. Using Custom Axis with Range Definitions we can apply Axis Value Ranges that will Trigger Sending Sim Events with Fixed Parameters. The Example we use is the PMDG Fuel Cut Off Switches controlled by the Thrustmaster Boeing Yoke lower "throttle" axis.
Big Changes with Axis GUI and Capabilities!! Much Desired Ability to bind Conditions with Axis is now here!! v0.9.13.39 is released and we can finally directly manipulate Axis mappings without the need for scripts!