Device INIT-Phase
When starting SPAD.neXt will send an INIT Request to the device and expects a response within 5 seconds, else the device will be marked as offline/unavailable.
Request from SPAD.neXt:
Version of the serial protocol supported 2 means SPAD.neXt supports version 1 and version 2 The current version is 2
SPAD.neXt version (e.g. )
A unique ID identifying the SPAD.neXt instance used as authentication tag in AuthenticationCipher (See for details)
Reply from device:
Unique Identifier identifying the device. It should follow the GUID-Registryformat e.g. "{A8AA15C5-7BB6-4AC6-A558-A88CAFB78729}". To create a GUID you can use this site: (enable braces and hyphens)
the human readable name of the device. This will be used throughout the SPAD.neXt UI for everything related to that device
Serialversion the device is supporting (Current Version is 2)
Version of the device (Major.Minor[.Build.Patch])
optional device option Key=Value pairs (see OPTIONS)
available only in INIT Command. (all additional options can be added as well)
<your authtorkey>
where SPAD.neXt will look for device configuration files (default: 0)
A unique short product id for the device.
optional serial number of device
If PID option is provided, the AUTHOR option must be provided as well
To receive your unique authorkey, issue the command "!deviceinfo" on the SPAD.neXt discord. This key will identify the device author and enable author-only functions like e.g. editing the device UI or device configuration database, if the current SPAD.neXt user is the device author.
The authorkey is case-sensitive!
The ALLOWLOCAL option controls where SPAD.neXt will search for device configuration files/images etc. before checking the database. Documents refers to the Documents-Directory from SPAD.neXt configuration. Default: "Documents/SPAD.neXt"-Folder of Windows user
SPAD.neXt will search for files/images in the following order
Value = 0 (default)
SPAD.neXt will not search for any local files and will always use
Internal database
Device provided data
Value = 1
Internal database
Device provided data
Value = 2
if the current SPAD.neXt user is the author of the device, else it will behave like 0
Internal database
Device provided data
if no local configuration exists (or is not allowed), the device sent-configuration will be used always. if a local configuration exists (and is allowed) it will always overwrite any device sent configuration!
The VID (or Vendor ID) defines the author of a device uniquely in a similar manor to USB devices.
The VID cannot be chosen freely, but has to be requested by opening a ticket, to prevent duplicates. The VID is provided and set automatically by SPAD.neXt once it has been assigned.
The PID (or Product ID) defines a device uniquely in a similar manor to USB devices.
The PID can be choosen freely and should be unique per device(type) as it will be also used to find the corresponding device profile within a SPAD.neXt profile.
The PID will be used in SPAD.neXt all over the place (e.g. Variable names), so keep it short and simple. The only allowed characters for the PID are A-Z,0-9 (no spaces, no special chars)
If provided the serial number of the device (unique per device connected!) to identify device variables (ADD Command). If not provided or a duplicate is found, SPAD.neXt will use an internal unique identifier
Device variables
if PID is defined for a device, all its inputs will be available as LOCAL variables within SPAD.neXt as
[suffix] will only be present if more than one identical device is connected
(second FCU device)
INIT Examples
Request from SPAD.neXt:
Reply from device:
0,SPAD,{A8AA15C5-7BB6-4AC6-A558-A88CAFB78729},Altimeter Display,2,1.0;
(No one will be able to locally modify the device configuration)
Request from SPAD.neXt:
Reply from device:
The user associated with authorkey a3dhfc4323dca will be able to edit the device configuration. SPAD.neXT will frist search in Documents/SPAD.neXt/devices/a3dhfc4323dca/shakeprint/echo
for local configurations
Last updated